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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Reviewing Web Sites

Some say that reviewing the relevancy and credibility of a web site is essential in making sure that you are not getting false or inaccurate information. I disagree, and I'll tell you why. Insisting on proper citations and references in every web site you use rules out a lot of really good, accurate, and relevant resources. What if you are researching a fairly new field of study, and most of the available information is being gathered by private researchers? In a case such as this there would most likely have been very little collaboration between experts, thus little or no references or citations. Sure, there might be some areas where evaluating a web site before use would be a good idea, but doing it all the time is altogether to restricting, and stifles the research capabilities of the student.


wingsnlv said...

Preach on brother!

Ms. Snodgrass said...

Your thoughts on this matter are interesting. Even research for innovative technologies must follow strict scientific protocol. Remember, quality is much more imporant than quantity. Plus, research isn't singular and should be a synthesis of a network of information.